Monday, December 28, 2015

I So Deserve This, Tom Morris

I so deserve this.  I am not a recycler at home.  Every time my brother-in-law, Tom comes to visit, he just shakes his head when I tell him we don't recycle.  I'm a bit proud and defiant about it, too.  So, Tom, you'll be happy to know that I'm finally getting my due.  I definitely recycle now.  Japan sorts and recycles EVERYTHING.  There are many different colored bags and you have to put the right items in the right bags and get them out on the right day.  It is a massive undertaking.  We have a little room just set aside for garbage.  There's no question I deserve this. 

Here is the weekly/monthly garbage schedule.

Here is the list of what goes in each colored bag.  Too bad we can't read it.  We went to a neighbor and she laughed and taught us some, but we still have a lot to learn.  I'm sure Heavenly Father witnessed my defiance and looked up which country had the most complex and difficult recycling program and that's where He sent us.  There's no question I deserve it! 


Joan Morris said...

Oh man, what a nightmare. Let's all blame it on Al Gore ;)

sara cardon said...

Hahahahaha!!! That is hilarious!!

Unknown said...

Funny! Some of my children get so frustrated with me when I visit them because I can't figure out their recycling rules! Maybe I'll have to make them write the rules for me (in English)!

Unknown said...

Funny! Some of my children get so frustrated with me when I visit them because I can't figure out their recycling rules! Maybe I'll have to make them write the rules for me (in English)!

Michelle said...

That sounds rough. When you are moving in, that's the last thing you need . . . you have to sort everything else. Garbage is the last thing you want to have to sort!

Unknown said...

Oh my I thought Seattle was bad😁 Good for you being brave and moving forward with the color coding garbage bags. I'm afraid I would give up and put myself in one big black American garbage bag and stay there sobbing till the garbage people felt sorry for me and gave me an official Japanese garbage recycling exemption. Would this be worth a try?